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The Courageous Mumma
Madeleine Stanimeros
Parenting For Life will be released on 12th July 2018. See 'Book' page above for more details.
Madeleine has written many articles on parenting and family life for various publications and charities over twelve years as well as a parenting course. She has a history in both radio and travel writing.
Madeleine meets with mums or both parents on a private basis who are looking for a positive resolution to challenges in family life.
Welcome to my site. We have five children whose ages range from 23 down to 9 years old. It’s merry chaos and we don’t take ourselves too seriously, but we do take parenting seriously and love to apply well thought through strategies to home life that bring freedom and make space for fun as well as growth.
One of my favourite mantras is ‘we’re unique’ – every family is unique and comparison is just an enemy. For that reason I try hard not to apologise if mess or children expose our true colours. I find I have to hold my nerve frequently! –
We've just finished building an outdoor pizza oven. In order to insulate the base we needed as many empty glass bottles as we could get our hands on, which friends have kindly dropped off. When the mum of our child's school friend came to collect her daughter recently, she came through to the garden to where our enormous stash of bottles was stacked.
I didn’t click until after she left that her eyes kept averting to this pile of empty wine and beer bottles that were stacked high outside our kitchen on a Monday afternoon. Tempting to try to explain that
we haven’t been blotto since Friday! But hey – holding my nerve!
There’s no such thing as a parenting expert. We’re all growing as our kids grow. We’re on a journey where we learn and improve.
Parenting is a courageous journey; if we’re prepared to love unconditionally and dare to help them to grow to be all they want to be, sometimes we have to make decisions that don’t meet with their approval! - this requires gentle strength.
One of the greatest blessings on my journey was the wisdom of those who’d gone before. My work is all based on the gold nuggets we’ve found as we’ve been stretched and grown over the last 23 years: This blog is a compilation of the tools people have found most useful from my presenting, writing and courses as well as positive feedback from private clients. I’m finally beginning to blog them in response to requests. I hope they bless you and your family.